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For assistance, send e-mail to the MTmechv help desk.

Do not attempt to log in to the MTmechv system unless you are an authorized user. Authorized users have signed an OM-300, completed HIPAA training, and have been provided individual login information from the DPHHS Healthy Montana Families program. Login information is unique to each individual user. If you do not have your own individual login information, contact Healthy Montana Families for a login ID.

Information contained within the MTmechv data system is protected health information and has been collected with the consent of the clients. The data are confidential and will be used only for service delivery and programmatic purposes. By logging in to the MTmechv system you hereby certify that you are entitled to access confidential client information and abide by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) standards. Any client data and reports printed or exported from the MTmechv system are confidential data and should be kept in a secure location and managed appropriately.

Copyright © 1998-2024 Atlas Development Corporation. All rights reserved, licensed to Montana. Developed and maintained by Atlas Public Health, a division of Atlas Development Corporation.